America is a nation of freedoms that the left, socialists, communists, and others wish to take from us.

Our freedoms are granted to us by:

  • God
  • The Magna Carta
  • Our Declaration of Independence
  • The Constitution of the United States
  • The Bill of Rights
Our freedoms have been given to us through the blood and sacrifice of:
  • Jesus Christ
  • American Soldiers
  • Law Enforcement Officers

At Forever Free we carry on the fight to preserve our freedoms by sending out weekly commentaries on current events and political situations that are intended to restrict people's freedoms and rights. Our commentaries are free and can be shared with others.

Current Commentary

Respect for Our Flag
Phil Rasmussen

When asked, “What are our national symbols?” most people will say they are our flag and the bald eagle.  However these two are not all of our national symbols.

National symbols reflect a country’s identity, values, culture, and traditions.  Their intent is to unite people through visual, verbal and iconic representations of patriotism, nationalism, and community.  In many countries there are official national symbols such as a nation’s national anthem and flag.  There are also non-official national symbols such as a dance, drink or liquor.  In all there are about 28 national symbols world-wide.

Seventeen of these symbols that identify our nation:

1.    Flag  
2.    Seal  
3.    National motto “In God We Trust” and “E pluribus unum”
4.    National anthem The Star-Spangled Banner”
5.    National colors Red, white and blue
6.    National march “The Stars and Stripes Forever”
7.    Documents “Declaration of Independence,”
“United States Constitution,” and
“Bill of Rights”
8.    Oath of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance’
9.    National day 4th of July
10.   National currency United States Dollar
11.   Monuments Capitol, White House, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson
Memorial, Washington Monument, Liberty Bell,
Mount Rushmore, Statue of Liberty
12.   National animal American bison
13.   National bird Bald eagle
14.   National flower Rose
15.   National tree Oak tree
16.   National dish Hamburger
17.  Sport Baseball

In the past decade countries world-wide have experienced the desecration of national treasures, such as painting the Mona Lisa, demolishing the Temple of Bell in Syria, Sufi shrines in Libya, and damage to countless monuments and heritage sites in the US.

Of the 17 national symbols, there are only two (2) that protestors have effectively attacked – our flag, and our monuments.  During the past decade protestors have burned our flag and desecrated many monuments and statues.  These are attacks on our nation perpetrated by traitorous Americans or foreign nationals in our country.

Calling yourself an American or US citizen comes with certain duties and obligations.  These duties and obligations are intertwined with the rights and freedoms that you enjoy as an American citizen.  The US Citizenship and Immigration Services list the following as responsibilities of citizenship:

  • support and defend the Constitution
  • support and defend the nation as needed
  • participate in the democratic process
  • respect and obey federal, state and local laws
  • respect the rights, beliefs and opinions of others
  • participate in your community
  • pay income and other taxes on time
  • serve on a jury when called upon

This powerful list challenges us all to be more active in our duties and responsibilities.  Today, people are more inclined to pull out their cell phones and video some incident rather than to “get their hands dirty” by jumping in and helping to resolve the incident.  Such people have chosen to abandon their soul while pursuing self-gratification, a sin discussed in many passages of the Bible.  Imagine that you and a family member are out shopping and someone tries to steal your wallet or jewelry.  What are you going to do - pull out your cell phone to video the attempt, or try and stop it?  What if someone is trying to burn down your home?

Just as you would try to protect and stop the theft or the burning of your home, good citizenship requires you to step in and protect your national family and possessions.  That’s right; you are part of much larger family. 

Our national symbols are our nation’s most precious possessions.  Two of them (our flag and our cultural heritage monuments) are easily vulnerable to direct attack that raises the ire and anger of the American family. 

While our monuments are protected by federal and state laws from desecration or vandalism, the 1989 liberal Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, decided that desecration of the American flag was protected under the First Amendment a free speech.  This was reaffirmed in 1990 when the liberal court struck down the Flag Protection Act.

Most countries allow only their national flag to be flown or displayed on or in their government buildings.  Last January, Trump ordered that flags associated with left-wing movements will not be flown on American government facilities.  Recently, Senator Moreno introduced a bill to prohibit foreign flags to be displayed inside Congress and on Capitol grounds.  Federal law, 4 U.S.C. § 7, dictate how our national flag will be displayed or carried.  It also talks about how foreign flags will be displayed alongside the US flag (all at the same height).  Given the “American First” agenda, it will not be surprising if the law is changed to require that the American flag is flown at a higher height than foreign flags.  The law will probably also address the use of foreign flags in the US. 

As of this year, flag desecration is legal in only 13 countries (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States).  In these countries, liberal or socialist political parties have imposed the legality of flag desecration.

It is a disgrace that these countries allow such desecration.  A national flag represents and symbolizes the culture, history, and sovereignty of a nation and its people.  It is a powerful symbol.

Old Glory, our American flag is an enduring symbol of freedom recognized world-wide.  It tells its own story of the growth and prosperity of the United States.  It signifies the unity of states (blue field with stars) and the 13 colonies that originally formed our nation (red and white stripes of the flag).  The colors of our flag also have meaning:

  • Red: valor and bravery
  • White: purity and innocence
  • Blue: vigilance, perseverance, and justice

Our Flag

We rally around it
We celebrate with it
We fight under it
We cover our dead heroes with it

We should respect and protect it.  Burning our flag is NOT free speech, it is a disregard for the freedoms and rights that so many have fought for and that you enjoy.

Similarly, protestors and demonstrators displaying another flags are also disregarding the same freedoms and rights that you enjoy because of others who have sacrificed their lives for you.